Halle Berry has made a name for herself as a fragrance maven. In August she plans to expand her line even further by releasing Reveal, her latest. Halle states that the scent will be floral, and the commercials for the fragrance will feature her speaking directly to the viewer .
I am happy that Halle is expanding her brand, but I want to see her on the big screen again in a starring role where she isn't a mutant. I actually liked Monster's Ball ( unlike most who viewed it as a slap in the face of black womanhood)and wanted to see more dramatic fare from her . The last movie of hers I enjoyed was Things We Lost In the Fire pre Nahla. Perfect Stranger was a mess with a genius ending, but Halle needs to show the world again how powerful she can be in a feature film where it's not all about her gorgeous looks! Frankie and Alice, a movie that has yet to see a release date has her portraying a woman with multiple personality disorder. It also features Chandra Wilson and Phylicia Rashad. The supporting cast alone is enough to peak interest, so what's the hold up studio?
Until then I will be looking forward to her latest perfume which comes out in August!
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